Why asObservable with Subjects?

2 min readJun 13, 2020


When I started learning angular I read about angular subjects and observables and started using it. In many open source code, I have seen that Subjects are not exposed directly to components but they are shared by making them Observables. So now I want to share my learning with you.

The asObservable() operator can be used to transform a subject into an observable. This can be useful when we like to expose the data from the subject, but at the same time prevent new data pushed back into the subject:

Difference Between Observables & Subjects:

// Note: Here its just a difference which covers this blog

Observables: We can get value whenever we subscribe to observables. It's only one-directional.

Subjects: Subjects are a special type of observable. In this case, we can get value by subscribing to it and also push back new value by using next() method.

Case 1: Subjects Without asObservable():

let's say we have a service in which we have declared a subject like this

now this Behaviour Subject is used to show or hide a spinner in a component so used like below

This is so far so good. But as we have used subject directly in the component so it is always open to publishing new change from this component by using next() method ( As by Definition subjects are both Observable and Observer)

like if in component functions showLoader() or hideLoader() user can directly use like


but this is not a good practice. We should make modifications only in service so to do it asObservable() comes in use.

Case 2: Subjects With asObservable():

Now service code will look something like this

Step 1: showSpinner is made Private so no component/directives where we use it can modify it

Step 2: An Observable is created by using asObservable()

Step 3: In Component Value is read from Observables instead of Subjects.

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I am a Software Developer. I love to code and always ready to learn new things. I am here to enhance my skills and contribute my knowledge